

360-NeedsCalculator® is a forecasting service that helps customers assess their financial needs adequacy and advisors to explain the calculation process, with zero guesswork and 100% accuracy.



No-Code Configuration

Configure key calculation parameters such as macroeconomic assumptions specific to the local market



Get insights about your customer segments, and discover the untapped triggers for next-best-action


In-Built Research Data

Leverage the in-built research data to help customers shape their target financial needs without stress



Be free or get our help to integrate for D2C sales, pre-advisory, engagement or intermediated advisory

Use Case Examples

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Focus On
What Matters

Despite being deluged with budget and financial needs calculators in the market, the layman customer is nonchalant. Use with 360-NeedsProfiler® to help the customer decide the priorities. Don’t just calculate. Create urgency.

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Be Ahead Of
Your Customers

Change is the only constant. Macroeconomic and personal events mean that your customers’ financial needs will change often. Trigger the calculation APIs and get renewed insights for your ongoing servicing.

Unleash Richer Experience!

Combine 360-NeedsCalculator® with other 360F API services. For example, use with 360-ProVestment® to provide the best solutioning possible to close the calculated financial gaps within affordability.